Time to Celebrate: Birthday Invitations from Basic Invite


It’s the day before my 23rd birthday and I’m so excited to be celebrating! I know it’s a crazy time in the world right now but since I believe every day should be celebrated, I know I’ll be going all out (as responsibly as possible) for my birthday this year! If you know me, you know I love birthdays, so I’ll definitely be popping champagne, getting some fries (because cake isn’t my thing), and hopefully spending some time with friends with a social distance picnic if the weather is nice! Y’all know I’m extra so creating some birthday invitations with Basic Invite! I also love using these birthday party invitation templates from Adobe Express, makes creating my own invites seamless and adds a great creative flair!

Even if we can’t physically celebrate birthdays right now, I think it’s a great idea to maintain some normalcy and send a birthday invitation card to close friends and loved ones for any Zoom call you may do or social distance picnic you may plan! Especially during this time, we deserve to go all out for our special day to make it feel as exciting as possible! Basic Invite has tons of colors to choose from for your birthday invitations, like over 180 options! If you have a weirdly specific favorite color, now is your time to let it shine and create a beautiful invite revolving around the colors you love. Each part of the design can be changed according to your color preferences and you can preview your creations online before you send them. Every detail is taken into account and allows you to make your invite as personalized as possible.

If you’re a perfectionist like me, you’ll love that Basic Invite also provides a physical sample of your invite that you can view in your own hands before ordering the final ones to be sent to friends and family. I know sometimes things can look totally different online than they do in person (hence why online clothes shopping gives me major anxiety) so I love that this feature is an option so you have the final say so over your invite design.

Basic Invite has every kind of celebration you could imagine on their site, from wedding save the dates to 40th birthday party invitations, they have it all! Along with the vast array of designs and colors you can use on your invite, they provide envelopes in over 40 colors so the personalization and customization can be tailored to your specific preferences. I know I love opening my mailbox and finding a colorful envelope addressed to me so this really helps your invite stand out! We all know now that it’s more important than ever to stay healthy and practice good hygiene, so I love that Basic invite envelopes are peel and seal, so there’s no need to lick the envelope to close it. I’m being so careful with my mail and packages wiping them down so I think this feature is really great!


Basic Invite makes things really easy with providing free address collection! I know it can be tough to wrangle together everyone’s addresses and people move so often at this age, so Basic Invite has a link you can share on social media or through email that helps you collect addresses from people who you want to invite to your event. They even keep it easy for you by printing the addresses onto your custom colored envelopes for free. I definitely think Basic Invite is a great way to create some beautiful invitations for your special day. Even though the current world situation can be disappointing when it comes to events, I think we can still maintain a sense of normalcy and send some pretty invites and have the best birthday! Check out this Google Link to see some great examples of invites you can create with Basic Invite!
