#skinbabesunday Event
This Sunday I was lucky to be able to attend the #skinbabesunday event hosted by Nicole Pence Becker and Beth Chappo at the Indiana Design Center. I actually won two free tickets at the Indy Blogger Closet Sale event I went to last weekend from Timnah Maraisu’s giveaway. I picked up my girl, Katie and we were off to enjoy a Sunday filled with women supporting women and empowering us to feel like we can do it all. Nicole started #skinbabes to help women focus on their own personal self-love and self-care and realize that these are not selfish practices, but self-preserving. One way we can do this is by taking care of our skin, but #skinbabe doesn’t focus on products or price, but how the act of taking care of ourselves makes us feel.
The event started off with mingling (and champagne) as well as a chance to wander around the Indiana Design Center and see all the vendors that were there for the event. The Beauty Lounge had a great booth with lots of products and described some of their services for us. Boutiques like Endeavor were also there! We were given swag bags at the end of the event that had product samples and so many coupons and deals for local businesses in the area. I especially loved the talk given by Beth and Nicole, where half was focused on self-love and self-care; as women, we tend to feel like we have to do it all and be the perfect daughter, partner, friend, coworker, etc., etc. But when we give ourselves time to practice self-love and self-care, this can actually improve all areas of our lives. One of my favorite points of the talk was that investing in yourself is the best investment we can make. Afterwards, we discussed new fall makeup trends, how to make a great DIY face mask, and the best order for your skincare.
This event was so much fun and I love that it was ultimately centered around women and helping us find time to tend to our mental, physical, and emotional health. I’m so grateful to have won tickets and gotten to attend such a great event with one of my best friends. Self-care and self-love are such buzz words these days and I think we sometimes need to reframe our references for what those things actually mean to us. Self-care can be putting on a face full of glam makeup, which can help enhance our self-love. It can also be taking a step to talk to a therapist and do the hard but important work of finding out more about ourselves and having an objective opinion. Overall, the event was a great reminder that I need to up my skincare game and work on not being so hard on myself when I don’t accomplish everything I want to do in a day. How do you practice self-love and self-care? Let me know!
All the goodies from the many vendors that were at the event!
Meeting Nicole
Self-care and self-love